No Law Firm Left Behind
Secret weapon podcast to the Law Firm Owner, Managing Partner, Legal Admin, Office Manager and IT Director on marketing, motivation, legal tech, security, work-life balance, business growth and much more.Expert advice from your colleagues who have already tackled the challenges you’ve going through right now. Their advice will help your law firm be competitive, keep your attorneys & staff productive and help you get and keep clients.Subscribe and stop going at it alone to keep your Law Firm from being Left Behind.No Law Firm Left Behind is exclusively sponsored by SpliceNet Consulting - www.splice.net/nolawfirmleftbehind
No Law Firm Left Behind
Claire E. Parsons, How Attorneys Can User Mindfulness For Success
Our guest this week on No Law Firm Left Behind is Claire Parsons; mom, lawyer, community leader, writer, blogger, meditation expert, yoga instructor and chocolate zucchini bread maker.
Yep, among all her amazing roles she still finds time to pour her heart into baking for her office colleagues. In fact, she puts her heart into all she does and is a great example to all on doing so.
What’s her secret to success? Answer: mindfulness.
We're excited for Claire to join us and chat about her book(s), how attorneys can benefit by being more mindful and compassionate in their work and how she continues to challenge and break the mold other attorneys can't escape.
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No Law Firm Left Behind is made possible by our friends at SpliceNet Consulting
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Find our past shows: https://www.splice.net/nolawfirmleftbehind